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Worship Team Sign Up

Sign up here to serve on our worship team!

"...I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing."

2 Samuel 24:24

We're thrilled that you are interested in serving on our worship team!


Before joining our worship team, there are a few requirements that must be met.

Obviously, first and foremost, you must have a heart for the Lord, His house, His word, and His people. This platform is not for one to display their gifts and talents or showcase their abilities.

Our role as worship leaders is to usher in the presence of the Lord and to lead our congregation in worship.

Lead worship with worship.

There is not a more effective tool in leading or teaching worship than worship itself.

Before we're worship leaders we're worshipers. Before we were called to lead worship, we were called to worship.

This is not a requirement for the "singers" alone, but the entire team.

While the vocalists are the ones, technically, leading a song, we consider everyone on the platform to be worship leaders.

There is preparation before the presentation.

What this means is simply that an offering is not prepared at the altar but in the days, weeks, months, or even years leading up to the presentation at the altar.

(This principle applies both spiritually and musically)

It is everyone's own responsibility to abide in the Lord and to maintain and cultivate a personal relationship with Him.

Our worship services should not and can not be the only time of the week you spend ministering to the Lord.

As individuals, it is our responsibility to fill ourselves up each week so that we have something to pour out on Sunday.

Musical requirements

Our worship team has worked very hard over the last 20+ years to get the place we are now.

This is not a pat on the back. We're definitely still growing and have plenty more to learn.

But due to things like: communication, work flow, time constraints, schedules, dynamics, and consideration for other team members time and effort;

there are requirements, musically, that one must meet to be able to step in to a role on our team.

• First, you must already know how to play an instrument.

Of course there is always room to grow and become better on your instrument, but this is not the space for "learning" an instrument.

• You must be able to comfortably play with click track (metronome).

• You must have a relatively good understanding of the Nashville Number System (excluding drums and vocalists).

This is the main way we communicate chords throughout the band.

• You must be able to learn and practice songs in your own time.

We don't have weekly practices. So this is crucial for being able to show up on a Sunday prepared for sound check and, ultimately, service.

This goes back to the "preparation before presentation" bit earlier.

• You need to be able to play without chord charts.

It is not uncommon for someone on our team to have a chart nearby during a set but we've learned that if you have to have a chart in front of you to the play a song, you'll always need it to play that song.

We often flow into songs throughout a service that aren't on our initial set list. In these moments, you won't have time to dig out a chord chart. You'll need to be able to play on the fly.

• You need self discipline to continue to improve/learn on your instrument.

• One not so musical, but very, very important, you must be reliable and show up on time.

If you're lacking in any or all of these areas, don't give up! Get plugged in somewhere else on our production team so that you have opportunities to see how our team operates.

Take time to learn the things on this list you don't know and to grow in those areas.

There have been plenty of people who weren't quite ready when they initially signed up, but spent some time in another area of our production department, grew in their craft, and eventually became key parts of our worship team!

Also note that we take into account how long you've been attending DCC.

Serving on our worship team requires quite a bit of time and commitment and we want to ensure that you have

had plenty of time to get rooted in our church and not potentially prevent you from doing so.